【Meatpia Co., Ltd.】Premium Salted Pork Offal

JAN Code
Pork offal seasoned with the finest salt, giving it a distinctive premium flavor. Using our special processing method, the pork offal is removed of excess liquids and fats to eliminate off-flavors. Then, it is seasoned with Okinawan sea salt instead of the typical salt-based sauce, giving this salted pork offal a distinctive premium flavor. Devoid of excess liquids, the top becomes crispy while the inside turn puffy when grilled.
Standard 220g
Quantity per case 30 packs
Minimum lot 1 case
Temperature range Frozen
Expiration date 180 days
Main raw material origin USA
Pork intestine (USA), sesame oil, garlic, table salt, spices/seasonings (amino acids, etc.) May also contain pork and sesame seed.
Maker Name Meatpia Co., Ltd.
Postal Code 0802464
Address Obihiro-shi5-95, Kita 2-chome, Nishi 24-Jo
Mail Address jkqqr327@ybb.ne.jp
Phone Number 0155-37-2910
Fax Number 0155-37-3271
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